Webelos Cub Scout Tracking Worksheet

Webelos & Arrow Of Light Cub Scout Tracking Worksheet (Free Printable)

The requirements for Webelos may appear to be less than previous years but there are definitely lots of steps to complete for each requirement. This free checklist will help you stay organized and keep on track.

Webelos & Arrow of Light Cub Scout Requirements - With Free Printable

If you have made it to be a Webelos in Scouting then you likely know how important it is to be organized. Whether you are a parent or a scout this checklist will be super helpful.
During the year of being a Webelo you will find there are a lot of fun activities you get to do to meet your requirements.  With this many activities it is important to keep track of what you have completed.

Webelos & Arrow of Light Scout Requirement Checklist Explained

The checklist is broken down by each requirement or elective that you are working on this year. For example, if you are working on Cast Iron Chef,  you will see that underneath the heading it tells you what is required to be completed according to your Cub Scout Handbook.  Under that is a simplified version of what you get to do complete your requirement. Once completed mark off your box and that’s it!  This will help keep you organized during your year of Cub Scouts.

Once you complete your adventure you will be able to receive your pin. To keep track of what pins you have earned and what has been awarded to you we have a Cub Scout Award Tracker that you can use to keep track and keep you motivated to earn even more.

Cub Scout Leaders

Not only is this printable great for the kids and parents to use it works really great as a leader. As you know some of the scouts in your group will work faster than others or some are sick and can’t show up to all the meetings. This checklist will help you keep track of who has completed what tasks.  If there are any empty spots you know what tasks you will need to talk to the scout or their parents about.
If you want to simplify things even further and have everything on one sheet there is a our Webelos Den Leader Checklist that may come in really handy.
Webelos Scout Requirements Printable